Two friends take a selfie on an outdoor bench. The person on the left has long braided hair and wears a light purple hoodie. The person on the right has curly reddish hair, glasses, and wears a dark green hoodie. Both are smiling, with bright sunlight behind them.


We are a movement, and together, we are unstoppable.

Our Mission

The Popular Democracy network of affiliates know that everyday people have the power to change the world. We upend politics as usual to forge a representative, multiracial government and society where we all thrive - no exceptions.

A diverse crowd of people is marching and protesting in the streets. A smiling Black man in the center holds a shiny object and a colorful patterned item. Others carry signs with various messages, including "Price on Carbon" and "Vote." The atmosphere is energetic and colorful.

Our North Star

Our north star is a world powered by Popular Democracy.

We’re inspired by the unwavering belief that true democracy is built from the ground up by those who live its realities every day.Popular Democracy is a destination for the relentless pursuit of a society where everyone participates fully in decisions that affect their lives, where justice and dignity are accessible to all, and where our communities flourish through deep interconnection and mutual support.

Popular Democracy breaks down barriers and unites us in our diversity, creating a multiracial government and society where everyone thrives—no exceptions. It’s about ensuring that those of us who have been pushed to the margins are at the forefront of change, leading the way in transforming our world into one where equity, freedom, and opportunity are guaranteed for all.

For one individual or organization alone, this may be a dream.

But 50 organizations across 34 states and DC, coming together in unity, can achieve enough to change history.

A diverse group of six adults is engaged in a candid discussion while seated in a circle of chairs. They appear to be participating in a community organizing session. They are in an indoor meeting hall setting.
we are a movement, and together, we are unstoppable.

Who We Fight For

We’re in this fight by and for the people that make up our nation. We are everyday low-income, working-class, marginalized communities.

We are the 48 million people who identify as Black, 20 million Latines, over 70 million working class families, and counting.

For far too long, the representation in our numbers hasn’t materialized in the decisions that move our country. Our voices of resilience have been silenced, our faces have been overlooked, and our spirits have been underestimated and ignored.

Our fight is for every person who has been told they don’t belong and who has been denied their rightful place at the table. It’s for those who labor tirelessly yet remain unseen, for those whose dreams are deferred by unjust systems, and for those whose potential is boundless but stifled by inequality. For the renters, hard workers, small business owners, wage earners, civil servants, students, for everyone.

Our fight is for the soul of democracy itself—a democracy that is inclusive, participatory, and reflective of the diverse mosaic that is our nation. We envision a society where the power truly lies in the hands of the people, where policies and institutions are shaped by those who live their realities every day.

People enjoy the outdoor nighttime musical performances of Popular Democracy's House Every One Housing Caravan presented in Austin Texas. There are string lights illuminating the area. The foreground features a Black woman with her hands raised, wearing a head wrap and colorful clothes. In the background, others are standing, interacting, and taking photos.

What We Fight For

As a nationwide collective, we harness the immense power and strength of our numbers to impact change across a wide range of critical issues.

Together, we fight for fair wages, ensuring that every worker can live with dignity and security.

We demand environmental justice, protecting our communities from the devastating impacts of climate change and advocating for sustainable practices that honor our planet.

We champion the right to housing, pushing for policies that provide affordable, safe homes for all. We strive for healthcare justice, so that every individual has access to quality medical care, regardless of their background or income.

Our commitment to immigrant rights ensures that everyone, regardless of where they come from, can pursue their dreams without fear of discrimination or deportation.

Through our collective action, we challenge and dismantle systemic racism and police violence, advocating for reforms that prioritize community safety and justice. We amplify the voices of those who have been silenced, ensuring that our democracy is truly representative and participatory.

In our pursuit of economic justice, we work to close the wealth gap, advocating for policies that uplift working families and create opportunities for generational prosperity.

We tackle educational inequities, demanding that every child has access to quality education and the resources they need to succeed.

We’re fighting for a future where dignity isn’t a favor, but a fundamental right. A future where every child, regardless of their background, can grow up in a world that sees their worth and nurtures their potential. A future in which we hold the power and ability to control the policies, institutions, and structures that define our existence.

A crowd of feminist activists marches, raising fists and holding signs. One prominent sign reads "WE WILL NOT BE SILENT". Other signs include messages like "WE DEMAND ABOLISH ICE" and "REUNITE THE FAMILIES". The group includes Popular Democracy In Action, Texas Organizing Project and Women's March protesters and is passionate and diverse, marching in unity.
we are a movement, and together, we are unstoppable.